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The Year 9 Program offers four PE/Health Electives.

  • Core PE and Health 

  • Racquet and Striking

  • Codes of the World

  • Healthy Me

Core PE and Health


Students advance their skills and knowledge of traditional physical education sports (striking, invasion, net and wall sports). Students develop an understanding for and implement offensive and defensive strategies, team formations, positions, and tactics into their performances. Theory classes in year 9 incorporate the skeletal, muscular, and circulatory systems. 

Racquet and Striking


In Racquet and Striking students aim to develop skills and knowledge in racquet and striking sports. These sports include but are not limited to badminton, squash, bat-tennis, table-tennis, indoor and outdoor cricket, softball, baseball, golf, hockey, thunderhoc and sofcrosse. Theory work is associated with the above activities and there is also a focus on skill acquisition. 

Codes of the World


This course introduces students to the many and varied

football codes from around the world. Sports include but are not limited to Australian Rules Football, soccer, rugby union, rugby league, Gaelic football, gridiron, futsal, and touch football. Theory work includes the various roles and tactics involved with each sport, as well as learning about the history of each sport. 

Healthy Me


The focus on this unit is for girls to discover and participate in activities that will meet their individual needs. This unit includes a variety of alternative activities that branch out from your core sports and focus on engaging in different ways to be physically active. Students participate in a range of activities including weight and circuit training, dance and aerobics, bowling, bike riding, Pilates, and yoga. Theory work is associated with the above activities and various other health topic areas. These include exploring the dimensions of health, an introduction to nutrition, community health, risk and harm, and coping with adversity. 

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